Our church should be an end-time Church focused on what matters most:
Exalt God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Focused on saving souls by all means at our disposal and the "Evangelism 1×1." (Person to person), then release them from their shackles that prevent serving God (oppression and trauma etc).
Ensure you receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit so that they can serve God in a supernatural way.
Disciple them briefly in a concrete, direct and practical. Give them the "Foundations of Christianity" and not the traditions of our Christian religions which many are not in the word of God.
Explain that every Christian is a missionary in their environment and that the Great Commission that Jesus gave us is to not just for ministers of religion. Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16: 15-20.
Send them to your environment or the place God instructed.
Explain that must serve God according to the gifts and abilities God gave them (God is going to ask if you do not mind … see the parables of the talents, mines etc). and must find their place of service in and out of the temple, and "the works that God has prepared in advance for them to do." Ephesians 2:10 (No two Christians alike).
Should seek "every weight shed" and "the sin that so easily entangles" and focused on living God’s work without neglecting his family and obligations.
Making corporate and personal prayer more important.
Living in communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Revelation of God to the "here and now".
Know what you are doing and ask God for wisdom to know how to do it.
Every Christian must "shine" Wherever you are, take care of your family, work "quietly"
Looking after your testimony, taking time to rest and recreation, health care and ask God for wisdom to unfold each day in these difficult times.
You should also be economically victory giving to God what is God’s.
Respect their pastors and pray for them and offer them advice if they need and how they should walk humbly accept them or explain why things are not done that way.
Love all and the word discrimination should not exist between us because God loves everyone, but if we must be firm and pointing out the sins of the people with the love of parents who love their children astray or that can not discern between bad and good and between what pleases God and what he does not like.
Each person who comes to church to experience the transforming power of Christ and his performing Holy Spirit 2 Corinthians 2:17, Titus 3:5.
Every Christian must maintain good works as the opportunities God makes available. Titus 3:14, Hebrews 13:16.
We preach and establish the Kingdom of God with supernatural signs that follow.
We must work for God in this way until the snatch or take us to heaven with Him forever.
And God’s servants should be experienced especially spiritual fathers of Christ’s disciples.
(Hebrews 12:28)
So, we are receiving a kingdom shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.
Preacher Gustavo Isbert

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