Pray before receiving the Holy Spirit, suggest that you first pray to the Father in the name of Jesus, reaffirming our faith in Christ, telling him ¬ pleasing for the new life he has given us in Jesus and the Holy Spirit who lives in us. And continue to pray saying everything that shall be in our hearts. If we remember something we ask im ¬ approach God, wrongdoing or a bad attitude unconfessed, a grudge against someone, for example, or a dishonest commercial operation digámoselo God confesémosle our sin, and then prometámosle straighten our paths. If that is our feeling, let prayer momentarily put things in order and then return (Matthew 5:23-24) but do not let the idea of ​​a sin "¬ condido" or unknown prevent us from asking the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. "We’re not worthy" some might say, and the answer is: "Of course we’re not worthy!" Only Jesus is worthy. But he not only wants give it to us but we ordered we receive it.
If we are alone praying for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, we raise this prayer, or if someone else is praying with us say a prayer similar
"Heavenly Father, I thank you that I am under the protection of the precious blood of Jesus has cleansed me from all sin. Dear Lord Jesus, I beg you to baptize me in the Holy Spirit, and per ¬ míteme praise God in a new language, that overcomes the limitations of my intellect.
Thank you, Lord, I think right now you are responding to my rue ¬ go. I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen "
When we ask Jesus to baptize us in the Spirit, we must receive it. Receiving up to us.
This is the ABC of receiving:
A. Ask Jesus to baptize us in the Holy Spirit. The letter of James says, "ye have not, because ye ask not." (James 4:2.) God gave us free will and that will never take it off. Not force their blessings upon us, as this is not the way of love. We must ask. God commands us to be filled with his Holy Spirit. Ephesians 5:18
B. To believe that we will receive in the time requested. "Ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be full." (John 16:24.) Faith is belief in the present tense. "It is faith," writes the author of Hebrews. (Hebrews 11:1). Besides faith is active rather than passive, which means that it is we who must take the first step.
C. Confess with our lips. When we receive Jesus as our Savior, we believed in our hearts and confess with our lips. Now confess with our lips but in the new lan ¬ guage the Lord is willing to give us. Let us open our mouth and start talking, announcing that we believe the Lord has baptized in the Spirit. Do not talk in English or Spanish, or any other language we know, because God will not ¬ gir directed to speak in tongues if we’re talking in a language that is familiar. We can not speak in two languages ​​at once! We trust that God’s words to us, and Jesus could trust that would allow him to walk on water. Speaking in tongues is a childish act of faith. No skill required guna ¬ nin, rather, means rid of all abilities. You speak in simple, ¬ Zando used our voice, but instead of saying what our mind tra ¬ dictates, we must allow the Holy Spirit to direct our voice directly to say what he wants to say.
"But that would be me who’s talking!" Exactly! God does not speak in tongues, it is the people speaking in tongues, and it is the Spirit who gives the words. Consider what happened at Pentecost: "And COMENZA ¬ rum to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." So we must begin to speak in other languages, not in our own lan ¬ ma or other languages, as the Spirit empowers us. Pronounce words or shaping, something that the Spirit will, no doubt! Just ma ¬ manner in which a child begins to slur his words ras ¬ prime, open our mouths and pronounce the first syllable and expressions that come to our lips ¬ ters. We must begin to speak in the same way as Peter had to leave the boat. God will guide us when we encourage to trust e1, taking the first step in faith.
By praying to receive the Holy Spirit, it sometimes happens that some people experience an involuntary trembling, stammering lips and chattering teeth. These are physical reactions to the Holy Spirit, which in themselves are of no significance other than to indicate their presence. Probably occur ¬ resistance to oppose him. ¬ nas Some people have waited in vain for years for "stammering lips" become a language. The believer in all cases must start talking: speaking language is not an involuntary act ¬ tary.
"The Lord working with them … with signs following." (Mark 16:20.)
On the other hand it may be that immediately has blemos ¬ a beautiful language. That is also ma ¬ ravilloso, but does not mean in any way that holier than the other! It simply means that we’re a little more liberated ¬ ters in our spirits that we have fewer inhibitions. However, the crux of the matter is that we continue talking, or trying to talk.
Occasionally it happens that a person has some new words in your mind, before you begin to speak in tongues. Have to be said! The others follow.

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