This is a time of prayer and fasting: Matthew 12:21
Only when Christians prayed together and accord (Acts 1:14) by God’s work, making prayers "aggressive" (Acts 4:29-31) is when God pours out His blessing and things happen.
It’s time to do spiritual warfare and tie and strip the forces of darkness to dislodge them from the people and places that were introduced slowly.
As conformism, laziness, heaviness, fear, fear of getting involved in the work of the Lord, being warm, the fear of being filled with the Holy Spirit, ignorance from the joy of serving God, the desire human recognition, the desire to "put" in the Church, thinking only of money and be entangled in "many things", thinking only "in their crops and businesses, the love of the world, self-pity, thinking that one should always help, instead of thinking of being one the helper, change the mentality of defeat, and poverty, and selfishness, we must pray that each one decides to give God what belongs to God and every Christian living focused on "business" of the Father.
We pray that all are baptized in the Holy Spirit and we must explain its advantages and benefits, and want to receive it, because we do the work of God with supernatural power.
We must pray more corporately and individually and fasting for the salvation of souls, for the great global harvest for laborers for the harvest (also for women and children).
We must have the wisdom to prepare in a short and precise discipleship, giving them the best weapons for the final battle.
We should pray for the Lord to do miracles and wonders and signs that the world see Christ lives today.
We must pray for the "old wineskins" (people accustomed to dead religion and unbiblical traditions) that have religious objections and stop the work of God and the moving of the Holy Spirit,
(Sometimes inadvertently, sometimes by complacency and other for convenience).
(Isaiah 57:14)
Make straight, make straight, barred the way, remove the stumbling of the way of my people!
We must also pray for the ministers working for "their own kingdoms" and not for the Kingdom of God. We pray for God’s servants who have the heart and attitude of Jesus.
(Matthew 22:16)
Teacher, we know you’re telling the truth, and that really teach the way of God, without getting caught up in what people say, because they do not speak to please them.
(Luke 5:16)
But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
(John 5:30)
I can do anything for myself as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him that sent me, that of the Father.
We must pray that God will raise up true spiritual fathers, filled with the love of the Father (God) and that the true leaders of God that are in anonymity at this time as King David who was in a "cave" are made by God which should be, and that the "Saules" are replaced by "Davids".
We pray that those who are pure in heart to meet and join in the final harvest no matter what denomination they belong. And the formation of a large army of God spiritually conquer evil with good Joshua’s way yAlejandro Great.
We must preach the Kingdom of God is near and its "atmosphere" produces miracles and frees people.
The "strong man" (the devil) has already been defeated by Jesus Christ and we must "take the booty" ie release all captives and oppressed by the devil and transform God’s workers.
We preach Christ lives in each Christian and each acts according to that revelation in Jesus do greater works (even those made earlier) through each of their children.
Romans 15: 18-20, John 14:12, Acts 9:34.
We teach you to have fellowship with the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit and pick up your voice.
We must pray that God will raise up apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers for his Church which sen as parents to their children of God.
We pray that Christians themselves are free of the many tricks the devil to put in their minds as (wanting the rapture comes now for not working for God, not commit, false doctrines, ignorance of the scriptures and the power of God etc, etc.)
We must preach the "whole counsel of God" in a direct and forceful (but full of love and understanding) for those who do not know the things of God.
We tell people that there is no sin that God can not forgive, no defect or disease that Jesus can heal, that no situation that can not fix today and right now. Mark 3:28. Jesus Christ is the same now as when he was on earth, only now it is not limited to a human body when he was here. We show Christ as He really is.
We must transform sinners and lukewarm Christians brave warriors like Joshua and Caleb.
It is a time to form a large army of God and enlist in the.
We should have the priority to win for Christ to all we can, to ensure that they are filled with the Holy Spirit, disciple and send.
It is a time of struggle and fast and pray.
Matthew 24:12-14, Revelation 22:12, Matthew 12:28-30.

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