Verses of the word of God to all
(John 5:24) Jesus said:
I tell you the truth, everyone who hears my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, as they have already passed from death to life.
(John 6:27)
But do not worry so much about things that are spoiled as food. Put your energy in seeking the eternal life that can give them the Son of Man (Jesus).
(John 6:29)
Jesus said, ‘The only work that God wants them to do is to believe in the one he has sent.
(John 5:34)
I say this so that you may be saved.
(Matthew 5:3)
God blesses those who are poor in spirit and realize their need for him, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.
(Matthew 5:6)
God blesses those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.
(Matthew 5:8)
God blesses those who are pure in heart, for they shall see God.
(Matthew 4:17)
Jesus began to preach, saying, "Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the kingdom of heaven is near."
(Matthew 4:19)
Jesus called them, "Come, follow me, and I will teach people how to fish!".
(Matthew 6:7)
When you pray, do not parlotees interminably as do the followers of other religions. They think their prayers are answered only by repeating the same words over and over again.
(Matthew 6:8)
Do not be like them, for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him.
(Matthew 7:7)
Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened.
(Matthew 6:20)
Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust can not destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.
(Matthew 6:30)
And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will be sure to take care of you. Why have so little faith?
(Matthew 6:31)
"So do not worry about all this saying:" What shall we eat, and what shall we drink?, What clothes we will? ".
(Matthew 6:32)
These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.
(Matthew 6:33)
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else and lead a righteous life, and he will give you everything you need.
(Matthew 7:13)
You can only enter the kingdom of God through the narrow gate (Jesus). The road to hell is wide and the gate is wide for the many who choose that path.
(Matthew 7:14)
But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and are only a few who find it.
(John 10:9) Jesus said:
I am the door: by me will be saved.
Want to join? I beseech thee this prayer wholeheartedly.
Prayer: Dear Jesus I have decided to follow my heart and I give control of my life.
I repent of all my sins and I receive at this time in my life as my Savior and King. Amen.
(Matthew 9:13) Jesus was speaking and
Then he added, "Now go and learn the meaning of the following Scripture:" I want to have compassion, not offer sacrifices. " I did not come to call the righteous who believe, but those who know they are sinners. "
(John 3:36)
Those who believe in the Son of God (Jesus) has eternal life. Those who do not obey the Son will never have eternal life, but remain under the wrath of God’s judgment.
(John 3:16)
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
(John 3:17)
God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save it through him.
(John 3:18)
Whoever believes in him is not condemned.
(Romans 5:1)
Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ;
(Romans 8:1) There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.
Dear Jesus, I know that God loved us so much that you sent into the world to save us and that you love so much to people who do not know that we send to us to save them.
I pray that touches the hearts of the people reading these messages I’m sending. I ask You to bless them and they can give their lives for you to be saved from eternal damnation and be with you forever in heaven Rejoicing with you, and the wonders that have prepared for those who follow you.
I pray for each one of my friends, brothers, relatives, acquaintances and those who do not know so they can be saved and can meet you as you are.
May they know how much you love and what you did for them on the cross to save everyone without partiality.
Intercede before you for every one of them and also by the name Christians or those who believe they are good for having only a religion but unsaved.
I pray that each of you make them "fishers of men" ie people who win souls for you through the good news of the gospel. I beg you to give him perseverance and determination to pray, read the scriptures (the Bible) and you contact other true Christians.
I ask you to lift them many "workers for your harvest." Jesus thank you very much. Amen.
If you want to know more about the salvation of his soul and the things of God I beg you enter:
There you can find at first patterned explanations about the salvation of his soul and how to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
In the blog (you must click here) and have new messages I’m receiving from God.
You’ll also find 100 lessons on the basics of Christianity with various practical issues, for you to be instructed in the ways of God.
If you two a day in a year will be ready to serve God and others with all the doctrine of Christianity. You can use them to preach to others or share.
This is not a Christian religion is Christianity pure and is for you!
God bless you and keep you: Preacher Gustavo Isbert
(Revelation 22:12) Jesus says:
Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.
(Acts 3:19) What should we do each?
Now therefore, repent of their sins and turn to God so that your sins may be blotted out.
(Acts 3:20)
So the presence of the Lord will come times of refreshing and he will send them back to Jesus.
(Acts 4:12) because:
Salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved. "
(1 Timothy 2:3)
God our Savior,
(1 Timothy 2:4)
wants all to be saved and come to know the truth.
(1 Timothy 2:5)
For there is one God and one Mediator who could only reconcile humanity with God, Jesus Christ.
(1 Timothy 2:6)
He gave his life for the freedom to buy them all. This is the message God gave to the world.
Those who have Christ in our hearts and we shekels redeemed by Him, we have already "found", but the desire to come to Him, pray, pick up your voice, do His will, sacrifice for him, in his work of love Him and his children, is the call of the kings who reign with Him
Those who truly love will want to be with him all the time, yoke walk with Him, worship and serve Him by serving their children.
That will be your motivation, seek and you will find that it will seek with all their heart.
It is to them that God will reveal his deepest secrets and be called friends of God and the end-time warriors.
They seek more than anyone else does with the most precious treasure, and he will be found for them to work and fellowship (friendship) together, and they are God’s special treasure and perpetually shine like stars for all eternity.
You can be one of them!
The highest calling of all is to be completely conquered by Jesus. Being one with Him and live in such communion that we are always doing his will (for us) that is different for each person. Walking beside him doing the works of Him We are the face makes the invisible visible but works through us.
If you consecrate and surrender to Him then He will use you to do many things for His Kingdom.
Psalm 60:12.
The real achievement is to capture the hearts of men with the truth that sets you free.
Jesus Christ is the truth. Who or that let you conquer your heart?
Only he who has Jesus has eternal life.
(1 John 5:11-12)
And this is the testimony that God has given: he gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.
He who has the Son has life: he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
On earth my children rarely work for me will realize what really did for my kingdom and rarely someone will recognize them in their time.
But the sky will get here what they have actually achieved for all eternity.
Remember you only have one soul gained for heaven is the best I can do for my father and me. Jesus.
You "see" Jesus clearly acting increasingly beside you, talking to you, wanting to act through you, you must learn to hear his voice better for you every day, and discern His will, you must also be filled with his love for people and love Him above all things. Ask Him now and will give You!, Ask him often and your knowledge of Him will increase more and more.
Many Christians have not yet discovered the joy of serving God. Find out now!
Many Christians do not walk in this world empty even though they have a religion and do not know the joy that is to have Jesus in your heart and so is true peace, not found anywhere else in the world and in any other way.
Man was created to have fellowship with God and while not will not have true peace. (Psalm 16:8-11)
A God I have always before me;
Because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
It is therefore my heart was glad, and my glory rejoiceth;
My flesh also shall rest in hope;
Show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At thy right hand.
(Psalm 16)
I told the Lord: You are my own! Everything good that I have comes from you.
I will bless the Lord who guides me, even at night my heart instructs me.
I know the Lord is always with me, I will not be shaken, because he is here with me.
No wonder my heart is happy and I am happy, my body rests secure
Show me the path of life, grant me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.
God says:
The fair land are my true heroes! They are my delight!
You must live honestly and truly walking with God, trying to die to your own desires and seek Him
There are seeds that are planted eternal (every time you preach or do any good) in the hearts of people.
The results and their fruits you can only see clearly when you are with God in heaven.
Focus on the eternal, which is worth a person become owner of the whole world goes to hell when they die forever.
How old are you living? Only God knows, today could spend eternity, then remember that you have only one life and this is your time, dedicate your life to do good and serve God because that’s just what you’ll get at the time of your Death.
You should never compare yourself with others, is moving forward in what God has for you and do it wholeheartedly.
Never be sorry for being as you are. God made you and never wrong. Do the best with what God gave you.
Read Psalm 139
NEVER Do not despair, do not get depressed, depression or beat you. God always has a solution for all, after the storm comes the sun.
Depression comes to see things from our point of view and not from God.
He says he has a perfect plan for your life, that God loveth discipline and that all things will work together for good.
I pray for you so that no deception of these are in your life.
Just wait in the Almighty God who loves you with an everlasting love, and is active and involved in your life. You’re not little to the King and Creator of the universe: God.
You’re never in a situation unresolved. ALWAYS EXPECT A MIRACLE OF GOD, which is impossible with men is possible with God.
I tell you a personal testimony: When I was young, in my house worked as housekeeper a woman named Cecilia (and very old). I loved her more than anyone, but she had varicose veins in his legs so he could barely walk the pain, his legs were just knots violets and the pain was very great.
Also had fallen and broken his neck so every morning we had to put one brace so you can look up.
I asked God why he was so still as good (it seemed a great injustice) and I felt God’s voice in my head telling me because I ASKED THE SANE! Then I thought that’s true! And I took a few days to pray and supernatural faith came a Friday to tell Cecilia that Tuesday was going to God to pray for her healing. On Tuesday I called to my living room and prayed for her and asked the Lord to heal her neck and I forgot what the legs. Apparently everything was the same there until night, but the next day in the morning she came into my room with a duster and cleaning the ceiling without the neck brace and said with all fear. "I think Gustavo God healed me" and I could move my neck looking smooth and your legs were completely healthy as a young person. GOD MADE A MIRACLE IN ANSWER TO PRAYER, but I forgot to ask for the legs. He knows everything.
That encouraged me to pray for others and pray in churches sometimes by hundreds of people and wherever I go, whether in a business or elsewhere when someone asks for prayer pray for that person and leave the results to God.
You might as Cecilia. ALWAYS expect a miracle from God because He gives good things to those who ask.
I want to say that God hears them all, but I learned that we must ask and that miracles exist today. For those who preach the word of God is something miraculous happens daily. Is that there is nothing that God can not do.
(Matthew 7:7)
Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened.
(Matthew 7:11)
Well if you know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
Gustavo Isbert Preacher.
Your calling is to know Jesus and bear fruit.
If you seek always find.
He is always near to those who approach Him
Many want to enjoy their presence but not approach him.
You need to want and seek it, you adore and delight in his presence.
That is part of your calling. There is no higher purpose to your life that, in addition to his will and win souls for heaven.
Your victory in this life depends on you to do that, always be nice looking and see your hand in your life. Always do the right thing and live in blessing and enjoy his presence which you must cultivate talking to him and worshiping him.
You will always be as close to him as you want to be.
Your victory in life will be according to the measure of thy desire for Him
Taken in part from a letter from Rick Joyner.